modernized saudi arabia

While I was in Egypt, I briefly traveled to Saudi Arabia. lol
There are many reasons for this, such as to expand knowledge, to compare current investments with other countries, and to learn about the culture of that country.
The first thing that surprised me after traveling was
Strength of Islam!
Almost all the women at the customs office wore jet black hijabs that covered everything except their eyes.
It was quite exciting in a good way!
Of course, everywhere I went in the city, most people were covering everything but their eyes.
So, I had the courage to ask for a photo shoot! lol
Surprisingly, everyone readily agreed with just one reply ( ´ ▽ ` )
*This is the current photo. lol
People from the Middle East may seem unfriendly,
Everyone is very kind and very serious.
Almost no one speaks in taxis. I continue to drive silently.
*You can always talk to people in the Philippines. lol
Another thing that surprised me about Saudi Arabia is that it is very modernized!
There are beautiful buildings all over the place,
It was beautiful everywhere I went.
I also climbed the 99-story Symbol Tower, and it was amazingly high!
This country has invested heavily in other countries for oil, but the country itself still has a small population and I felt like it was not fully developed.
It may develop further in the future.